The first printed version of Prime Bank’s online newsletter “In Focus” was unveiled by the Vice Chairman of Executive Committee of the Bank Tanjil Chowdhury and Managing Director and CEO Md. Ehsan Khasru at a simple ceremony organized at the Gulshan office of the Bank on 25th October. Head of IT Md. Iqbal Hossain, Company Secretary Mohammed Ehsan Habib, Head of Public Relations Ferdousi Sultana, Head of Marketing Md. Tofazzul Hossain, Head of Research and Development Shanila Mehjabin along with the team members of “In Focus” were present at the moment.

It is to be mentioned that Research and Development Division of Prime Bank has been publishing the online newsletter “In Focus” since 2009 that will be published from now onwards in the printed version every month. The “In Focus” is now being published with new ideas and arrangement. As a continued process in contributing our community in intangible manner, the Bank is publishing the monthly newsletter in providing information that matters.

In the changing economic scenario we are experiencing the unfolding of knowledge in the horizon. The economy is showing its ever changing colors with its twist and turns. Apart from the intense competition in the Banking industry, the macro-economic trends, significant policy changes, technology break through, strategic alliance of multinationals reshape the competitive landscape are being shown in the publication.