Inauguration of Prime Bank Eye Hospital at Dhanmondi, Dhaka
Prime Bank Eye Hospital, an initiative of Prime Bank Foundation, a concern of Prime Bank Limited was formally inaugurated on 21st January at House # 82, Road # 8/A, Satmasjid Road, Dhaka-1209 by Dr. Atiur Rahman, Governor Bangladesh Bank as Chief Guest. Prof. Deen Mohd. Noorul Huq, Line Director, National Eye Care & Director, National Institute of Ophthalmology was present at the inauguration ceremony as special guest. Md. Sirajul Islam Mollah, Chairman of Prime Bank Limited, Azam J Chowdhury, former Chairman and currently Director of the Bank, Md. Nader Khan, Incoming Chairman of Prime Bank Foundation, Md. Ehsan Khasru, Managing Director of the Bank and Dr. Iqbal Anwar, Chief Executive Officer of Prime Bank Foundation spoke on the occasion. Mafiz Ahmed Bhuiyan, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Bank was present at the moment.
Prime Bank Foundation has set a rare milestone by establishing the eye hospital to ensure international standard eye care for the people of the country. Prime Bank Eye Hospital is a state of the art hospital equipped with all sorts of modern eye care technologies. The people of all tiers of the country are invited to come and have the eye care services of the hospital.
Chairmen and Managing Directors of other banks and business forum, senior executives and officials of Prime Bank, Prime Bank Foundation and Prime Bank Eye Hospital were also present at the program.