Prime Bank Limited opened a Medical Camp at Ijtema premises on the bank of river Turag for the devotees of Biswa Ijtema that started on 11 January as part of its corporate social responsibility. Chairman of the Bank Md. Shirajul Islam Mollah inaugurated the Medical Camp. Deputy Managing Director of the Bank Ahmed Kamal Khan Chowdhury was present at the moment.

Medical facilities including first aid, health check-up and supply of essential drugs will be provided to the ill devotees of Biswa Ijtema free of cost from this Medical Camp during Ijtema, 24 hours a day through professional physicians.

The Medical Camp was officially opened from Friday morning. It will continue till 13 January at the Ijtema premises under direct supervision of the Head of Islamic Banking Division EVP Abu Zafar Md. Sheikhul Islam, Head of Tongi Branch SVP Mozammel Hoque and SAVP Mohammad Nuruzzaman.