The Annual Business Review Meeting of Prime Bank Limited was held on 19th November, 2011 at the Dhaka Regency Hotel & Resort of the Capital. Chairman of the Board of Directors, Md. Shirajul Islam Mollah inaugurated the function as the chief guest. Executive Committee Chairman Mafiz Ahmed Bhuiyan was present as the special guest while Directors of the Bank- Quazi Sirazul Islam, M A Wahhab and Firoza Amin were present among the guests. Managing Director Md. Ehsan Khasru presided over the meeting.

Prime Bank Chairman Md. Shirajul Islam Mollah asked attention of all concerned to make the cluster management more effective after the successful implementation of the cluster system in the Bank. He requested the mentors to make their respective clusters more potential and dynamic through best utilizing their human resources by attaching them with new ideas and concepts of Banking Sector.

Mentors of different clusters presented the business summary of their respective clusters along with the strengths as well as weaknesses of their business performances in the meeting. Besides, the strategy & business target for 2011 were also discussed in the meeting. SEVP and Head of Human Resources Division Quazi A.S.M. Anisul Kabir delivered the welcome speech at the occasion.

Deputy Managing Directors of the Bank- Ahmed Kamal Khan Chowdhury, Md. Golam Rabbani and Muhammad Yasin Ali along with the Heads of Branches and concerned Divisional Heads participated in the meeting.