Enjoy enormous benefits with unlimited banking transactions for personal or business purposes with Prime Hasanah Personal Retail Account.
Account maintenance fee
Intercity transaction fee
Other Features
- Account can be opened with zero balance
- Free internet banking with MyPrime
- Free first cheque book
- Debit Card facility is available
- No trade license is required. However, an attestation/certificate is required from Local Public Representative/Professional Association of respective customer as an income/profession proof document
- Resident Bangladeshi Citizen of Age 18 years & above
- Labor intensive micro and floating entrepreneurs
- Sellers or service providers of various marginal professions
- Self-made product sellers or individual sellers & service providers through social media
- Completed account opening form.
- Identity proof document: NID/Passport/Birth Certificate of the applicant(s) & nominee(s)
- Address proof document: Recent copy of utility bill (Telephone /Electricity/Water bill etc.)
- Income/Profession proof document:
- No trade license is required. However, an attestation/ certificate is required from Local Public Representative/Professional Association of respective customer as an income/profession proof document
Other Documents
- Self-attested recent passport size photo (02 copies) of the applicant(s) & 01 photo of nominee(s) attested by account holder
- Proof of Submission of Tax Return (PSR)/E-TIN Certificate (Where applicable)
- Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) form