Prime Monthly Income Scheme

Prime Monthly Income Scheme (MIS) is an investment nature of Single Installment Deposit (SID) scheme where the customer earns a fixed amount of return in every month (as per selected tenure) against principal deposit amount.


01/03/05 Year


  • Minimum Deposit Amount: BDT 100,000
  • Maximum Deposit Amount: Any amount multiples of BDT 100,000
  • Tenure: 01/03/05 year
  • Auto Renewal of Principal Amount
  • Secured Overdraft Facility (SOD)


  • Any Bangladeshi Citizen
  • Minor can open MIS singly or jointly with parent/legal guardian


  • Completed Personal Savings Scheme Account Opening Form.
  • Active Transaction/Link (Current/Savings) Account with Prime Bank.
Tenure Interest Rate Amount Monthly Income Before Tax (Per Lakh)
01 Year 9.75% Any Amount BDT 812.50 Per Lac
03 Year 7.75% Any Amount BDT 645.83 Per Lac
05 Year 7.75% Any Amount BDT 645.83 Per Lac

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