Prime Bank PLC., in partnership with Bangladesh Insurance Academy (BIA), has recently conducted a 3 day training course on Bancassurance for its employees at BIA’s head office in the capital's Mohakhali.

The training was conducted recently by senior resources from the Regulatory, Insurance and Banking sector. The training focused on the recently launched Bancassurance in Bangladesh and was attended by Branch, Priority, Payroll and Retail Asset Sales team members of Prime Bank PLC.

The training session was inaugurated by Md. Apel Mahmud, Member (Life), Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority (IDRA).

Probir Chandra Das, DMD & CFO, National Life Insurance Co. Ltd and Mr Mamur Ahmed, EVP and Head of Branch Distribution Network of Prime Bank PLC. were present as special guest. S.M. Ibrahim Hossain, Chief Faculty Member of BIA was present as Chairperson.